Friday, December 19, 2008


Flour sack pantomime final project.


Henry Ho said...

very niiice, I wish I could have made it to the screening to see it.

Devildude said...

flour power...very cool. There was a screening? Sorry to miss that show.


Angela Lo said...
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Sean Patrick Richards said...

Hey Marty,
I have way too much time over the break and I want to stay in practice. If you ever want to go out landscape painting or drawing or know of other shm'rs who've got somewhere they want to go let me know whenever. (408) 439 7295

Bryan Mann said...

dude I can't get over how awesome your animation is.

Chris Lam said...

is that 28 suppose to be representative of art28? maybe i'm just slow. cool animation cooper.

Angela Lo said...

woot 218 ^_____^
awesome job marty! it came out even better than i thought it would.